As part of my solution to the parking and traffic congestion we have in and around Sippy Downs, and in particular around Chancellor State College, it is time to implement a plan that will solve the chaos. Like many parents, for the last eight years I have had to put up with traffic congestion during school pick up and drop off.
Scholars Drive (Primary Campus)
I do not believe that we should put up with this situation any longer and the solution has been discussed many times before but little has been done in this area to solve the problem of a cul-de-sac in front of a major destination.
The Solution (Stage One)
- Resumption of land at the end of Scholars Drive
- Build a connecting road through to Columbia Street/Parkville Street Roundabout
- Create a timed 1 hour limit carpark (between 8am – 4pm school days) off the new connecting road
- Build a new walk way on the area boundary
Paint a “do not cue across intersection” line marking in front of the entry to Scholars Drive shops and Setonhall Circuit, to allow for free flowing traffic.
The Solution (Stage Two)
Depending on the outcomes of stage one, stage two may or may not need to be implemented.
- Replace the roundabout at University way & Scholars Drive, with traffic light signals.
- These lights would be timed to give priority to traffic on Scholars Drive between 3pm and 3.30pm during school days.
Create a 40k/h school speed zone along University Way, between Oxford Close and Columbia Street.
Sippy Downs Drive (Secondary Campus)
The same problems exist at the secondary campus, although the situation is slightly different with regulated parking being at a minimum for parents.
The Solution
- Extend the service road at the rear of the secondary campus to allow for a longer pick up & drop zone for parents
- Increase the parking bays along the shoulder (as indicated below) either diagonal with rear in if there is room or parallel timed 1 hour parking
Depending on the success of the above, an additional car park may need to be considered (indicated in blue) on school grounds