USC Open Day is going online! Join us for this special interactive online experience.Explore the degrees on offer and chat with lecturers and students about what life is like at USC.
Sunday 19 July 2020
You’ll receive the personalised experience we offer at every Open Day, with the freedom to plan your day to suit your needs – this year it will just be online.
We’ll send you some more detailed information soon. But in the meantime, here’s a taste of what you can expect:
- Information about degrees you’re interested in studying
- Live question-and-answer video sessions running from 10am-12.30pm with academics and students
- Online chat support from USC students and staff
- A step-by-step guide on how to apply
- Details about money available to help you study
- A taste of what life is like at USC
Register your interest so we can send you updates with information about what to expect and how to make the most out of your online experience.
There’s nothing like learning face to face, and that’s what USC is still doing – whether it’s from your home, or back on campus as soon as it’s safe.